Wallo's Ad Net classifieds
The new way to buy and sell merchandise...

The section you have requested requires a nominal fee for ad placement.
  • Paid ads run for 90 days, unless otherwise noted or you delete them prior to that time.
  • The ad may be edited at any time during the run, an updates take place immediately.
  • Paid ads are listed immediately, and available within seconds of submitting.
  • Unlike free ads, you may select "All" states to make a single ad appear in all searches, regardless of the area searched.
  • To increase your exposure, your ad will run on all of the other sites powered by TheAdNet Classifieds, in addition to Wallo's Ad Net classifieds.
Classified Ad Rates
Section Rate Run Time URL Multiple States Updates  
Employment $ 4.99 90 days Yes Yes Unlimited Buy
Business Opportunities $ 4.99 90 days Yes Yes Unlimited Buy
Business Services $ 4.99 90 days Yes Yes Unlimited Buy


To place a classified listing instantly, there are two steps:
  1. Click on the "Buy" link in the table above for the section you would like to run in, or click here.
  2. Enter your payment information into the secure payment window (you must have javascript enabled to open the window).
  3. After submitting your payment information, your will be redirected to the Ad Entry Form.

IMPORTANT: Remember, the charge will appear on your credit card as "BannerSpace.com, Inc.", who handles all paid advertising on Wallo's Ad Net Classifieds.

Banner Advertising

All advertising sales on Wallo's Ad Net classifieds are handled by BannerSpace.com, Inc. The rates listed in the table above are for text classified ads in the sections listed. If you are interested in self-service banner advertising on Wallo's Ad Net, and other shopping/classifieds sites, click here. For high volumes and discount banner campaigns, contact BannerSpace Sales.