Wallo's Ad Net classifieds
Wallo's Ad Net Classifieds, unlike other on-line classified pages, is a powerful, searchable database service which saves users from having to scroll through many ads of which they have no interest in order to find one, if any, that they want to read. You should notice how quickly you can move around on Wallo's Ad Net Classifieds making your experience more enjoyable and productive.

You may have visited other classified web sites where readers have to scroll through all the ads and read each one in order to find what they want! Buyers eventually get frustrated with these less sophisticated "key word" based text searches and give up before finding what they need. Wallo's Ad Net Classifieds allows its' users to search for specific ads that meet their criteria and receive all such ads and nothing else. (see examples)

We believe that in the near future, as Internet access becomes a common household item, this will be the preferred means of classified advertising, as it offers significant advantages over other methods.




Searchable fields Save time by not reading through unwanted ads. Go directly to what you need.
Search by locality Find ads in certain states, nationwide or by metropolitan area.
Search by price range See only items within the price range you specify.
Quick, easy to use Shop from home, whenever you want.
Free Searching/Browsing Wallo's Ad Net Classifieds is always free of charge.
Environmentally FriendlyThink of how many trees would be spared if everyone would use web classifieds instead of newspapers!


How is Wallo's Ad Net Classifieds different from other forms of classified advertising?
Here are a few examples:
  • You know exactly what make, model car you want. How about seeing only ads for that car!

  • You can't find the car or boat you are looking for in your local paper. Let's check some other areas near you without moving from your chair.

  • You're not sure what make, model car you want but you're looking for an economy car with four doors in the $900-1500 price range. We'll show you ads for those vehicles regardless off make, model.

  • You want to meet people with similar interested to yours, either in your area or worldwide.

  • You are looking for a certain Hard-to-Find item and are having trouble finding it locally. How about a nation-wide or world-wide search?

  • You will be moving to another region and would like to browse the Real Estate in that area now.

  • You need to quickly find a miscellaneous item in your area without wasting time reading through ads for unrelated merchandise.


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