real estate
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From this page you can place a classified to sell a house. If you have property for sale, advertise it here by filling out the form below and pressing Submit. People who are looking for the house you are selling will be able to find YOUR AD without having to browse through hundreds of other unrelated postings.

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Ad Entry Form
Property Type:
Type: Bedrooms Bathrooms
Lot Size:acres (blank if unknown. Numeric values only)
Age:years old (blank if unknown. Numeric values only)
Ad Headline:
(255 Characters max)
(Enter in one line)
Asking:(No text, dollar signs, commas)
Metro Area:(Optional)
Your Name: (First, last)
Phone Number:() (Area code required, phone number optional)
Email Address:(For responses to ad)
Password:(For editing or deleting the ad later. Seven characters max)
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